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Accueil Elèves étrangers

Par admin lamadeleine49, publié le vendredi 15 mars 2013 19:06 - Mis à jour le lundi 8 juin 2015 21:00

Elèves étrangers

English Translation           Spanish Translation          Korean Translation      




Our school has been involved in a European dynamic since 1989. Our educative project is founded on respect of differences and opening up and that has led us to turn towards our foreign neighbours, requiring reciprocal welcome. 

The European companies are bringing more and more families to Angers for a few years so children's scholarship in a new language can be a problem. A survey showed it is then necessary to welcome and facilitate school integration in France.

We must be coherent and offer all of the schools : primary school, middle school, high school, consequently St Agnès high school is our privileged partner in the school district.

The students are integrated at the start of the school year in a class which corresponds to their native language level. They follow the classes with the French students. Their schedule is lighter during the first  term and their free time  allows them to get tutoring adapted to their needs.

French lessons for  foreign students are given to non francophone students. If necessary, individual tutoring sessions are given in order to help them with the comprehension of their classes, their homework....

The objective is to adapt to their needs. This structure could include other activities according to the needs and ressources of the school or the school district.